“Sing to Him a new song, play skillfully, and shout for joy.” - Psalm 33:1
Our corporate Worship Gatherings at Connections are designed to be a time where followers of Christ can be equipped, encouraged and transformed to fully embrace a lifestyle of worship.
Although we don’t focus on a particular method, our worship services incorporate songs, hymns and spiritual songs both old and new that connect us with our heritage from the past, and provide worshippers with the opportunity for intimate and authentic encounters with God.
Our corporate worship expression at Connections Community Church is designed to be one aspect of a whole life of worship. It is a calling and a privilege to be a part of the worship team at Connections where people from diverse backgrounds can participate in authentic worship. We try to play and sing in such a manner that both leads the congregation and yet gets out of the way and does not distract the congregation from worshiping God. As a worship team, our focus is to first, worship God with our whole heart, and second, lead God's people to the His throne.

How Can I be Involved?
Connections welcomes and encourages instrumentalists and vocalists to participate in the worship ministry. However, an opportunity for us to discover your level of talent is given through auditions. We have limited space and cannot always fit everyone into our worship schedule, but we make every effort to continually involve new people. If you are interested, please fill out the contact sheet below...

(Ray & Christina Bradley and Steve Shore)